Monday, 15 November 2010

Rain water harvesting

Rain water harvesting is the good thing that we are doing to ourself and our children. We make water percolate into earth making water table to raise, you know we also eradicate stagnant water in this process, its not a joke, in our apartment (at Virugambakkam, kaliamman Koil Street) water will get logged during rains and takes days to get drained (literally evaporated and spilled out into gutters). This year one of the apartment owner has taken steps to construct water harvesting pit and connection to central drainage system - which made our lives happier even during the heavy rains.

Go through the attached new article released in The Hindu at 3rd page of 15th Nov, 2010 (courtesy - the Hindu)

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Intalling Postgres, Apache and PHP in Kubuntu (Linux)

Download Software's:

Download source archive files of PostgreSQL, Apache and PHP from respective project sites. Currently supported versions are given as reference. Take the latest point release (denoted as x below) from the sites:
3. (if this download is not found go to and click on the latest version to download)


1. tar xvjf postgresql-8.4.4.tar.bz2
2. cd postgresql-8.4.4/
3.a. su (i.e change to super use)
b. apt-get install tcl
c. apt-get install tcl-dev
d. ./configure --with-tcl
4. make
5. make install
6. mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
7. chown postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data/
8. su postgres
9. /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data/
10. /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data start&
11. /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql template1
12. exit (from db)
13. a. /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createuser leatherlink
b. exit as postgres user
14. cp contrib/start-scripts/linux /etc/init.d/postgresql
15. chmod a+x /etc/init.d/postgresql
16. /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
17. nano /home/leatherlink/.bashrc
export PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH
18. psql template1
CREATE DATABASE leatherlinkdb;
\c leatherlinkdb


1. cd
2. tar xvjf httpd-2.2.xx.tar.bz2
3. cd httpd-2.2.xx/
4. ./configure –enable-so
5. make
6. a. su
b. make install
7. /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
8. /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop
9. cp /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl /etc/init.d/httpd
10. /etc/init.d/httpd restart


1. cd
2. tar xvjf php-5.3.2.tar.bz2
3. cd php-5.3.2/
4. a. apt-get install libxml2-dev
b. apt-get install openssl
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
c. ./configure –with-pgsql –with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs –with-curl=/usr –enable-calendar –with-curl –enable-dba –enable-ftp –with-zlib-dir –enable-soap –with-regex=php –with-openssl –enable-bcmath
5. make
6. a. su
b. make install
7. cp php.ini-development /usr/local/lib/php.ini
8. /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

AllowOverride All
9. /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl restart

Friday, 16 April 2010

Firefox - Multiple Profiles in Linux

Why Do you need multiple profile?

I want to use the same computer and browser to see my two email accounts(!) of same provider (say google), or I want to browse to live and testing applications (with code and db in same location) - I cannot use the same browser with same profile either one has to be logged out

Solution - multiple profiles :-)

Create New Profile:

Open konsole or the Run Command and type

firefox -P profile_name -no-remote

find the following pop up, where click on create new profile and type the name of new profile (if have already created one profile just click on it to open the same

Friday, 9 April 2010

Firefox Speed Up

  • Open Firefox
  • Type about:config in the address(url) bar, Hey I am warned, just by following your words (are you getting the following warning!)

Just click "I'll be careful, I promise" (friend you are going to follow my words, don't worry try it)

Use the Filter Bar to search the following and double click on the row

Search and change default value by double click

Type Preference Name Default Value
Boolean network.http.pipelining TRUE
Boolean network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 8
Boolean network.http.proxy.pipelining TRUE

Create by right click

Type Preference Name Default Value
Boolean network.http.pipelining.firstrequest TRUE
Integer nglayout.initialpaint.delay 0
Integer content.notify.interval 0

Now restart your browser and realise the speed (Amazing, Right!)

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Open Office Speed up

Yes, we have the problem of open office taking its own time to load. here is how you can overcome this problem (no doubt you require atleast 1GB RAM for better performances)

Make more spaces for faster working
  1. Reduce no. of steps of undo (only a developer needs more steps to be enabled for undo, he/she too need that in any text editor not in office tool)
  2. Allocate more cache memory for better performance
  3. Remove java run time environment
See the pictures how it was before and how it is made to speed up the working
open any open office application - oowriter, oocalc, ooimpress etc
Menu: Tools > Options

This shall changed as follows

Don't forget to uncheck " use java runtime enviironment"

Now enjoy the faster working environment in open office

coutesy: ghacks

Sunday, 24 January 2010

My French Learning 4 - numbers

Bonjour Madnmozalle!!! Bonjour Madame!! Bonjour Mosuer!

Pagdoneg!, Commet ali vu?

Merci bukku

Now we will see the numbers as spelled in French (courtesy Mr Nabeel, who taught it orally and, where I found the numbers with sound)

Learn how to count in French - click on the links to hear each number pronounced in French. French numbers 0 to 19 are pretty easy - it's just a matter of memorization.

0 zéro
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 neuf
10 dix

11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 seize
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-neuf

My French Learning 3

Bonjour!, Sawa, Bien Dhormi!!

Greeting words:

hello, good day, good morning




Well, fine, good




Expression words:

Excuse me, sorry





anm pu

Negative Words:

Beginning with en / na

Ending with pa

Conjunction words:





but, yes

mey oui





It is




Down there

la ba

its here

seyt isi

it is not here

seyna pat isi

It is down there

sey la ba

it is not down there

seyna pala ba

In the three days gap I learnt some basic question and answer words/sentences, some may be I have mentioned earlier, but for the sake of wholesome view, I am mentioning collectively

Questions / Answers:







Do you understand

Escu vu componey

Yes, I understand a little

oui, Zu compone anm pu

No, i don't understand

No, Zuen Compone pa

How are you

Commot ali vu

I am fine (very well), Thanks

zuvet bien, merci

very well, thanks and you

thre bien , merci, a vu

I am not fine, Sorry

Zuen ve pa thre bien, pagdoneg

pagle - speak

to come... numbers

Monday, 18 January 2010

Don't do unnecessary clicks to see if any mail is dropped in

Do you have the habit of checking your inbox very often to see if some mail has dropped in?

Are you a person to see informations immediately when it is dropped in your inbox?

Then try this, you will appreciate it, I have experienced it and using for three four days now

Enable "Title tweaks" in Google labs (if you have not enabled google labs enable it, it is available in Settings)
At once you receive a new mail in your inbox it will be shown in the Tab title and Browser title if that page is opened (the title previously would be "Gmail - google mail - Inbox-your email id", after enabling title tweak it will appear as "Inbox - you email id-gmail- google mail"

Enjoy the facility

For more go to google labs

My French Learning 2

Bonjour! Sawa!!

la angley - English
lu foncsey - French language
Compone - understand
pagdoneg - excuse me, sorry
Escu - 'makes any sentence into a question'

Escu vu componey - Do you understand
zu compone an pu - I understand little

Escu vu componey lu fonsey - Do you understand French
zuen compone pa lu fonsey - I donot understand French

Madnmozzale - Miss
Maddame - madame
Mosuer - Mr, Sir

vouz et amerrica - Are you American
Oyi madnmozzale - Yes miss

My French Learning

I need to learn french because the people in Burkina Faso, where our client TanAliz is located speaks French and Moore (their native language), many don't understand English.

At once it was decided that I am going to Societe Tan Aliz, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - I searched for sites to learn French, I finalized with two references as and

Here I will write the words / sentences that I learnt in French (Francais) (mind that spelling may not be correct, it will written to match the pronunciation)

bonjour - good morning
bonsoir - good evening

After arriving at Ouagadougou and visiting factory, started to converse with people and started to learn, little faster
bonniue - good night
bien - good
sawa - fine
bien dhormi - Had good sleep
wala - exactly
Oyi - yes

Mr Nabeel, one of my friend in Ambur and now at Tan Aliz has given a learn by hearing by Pimsluer, which is a real good guide in training one to talk french perfect, I started with Lesson 1 of Part I (there are three parts and almost 30 lessons of 30 minutes each)

yaou san sukre - yougurt without sugar
pathronm - boss
lu - water